+32 486 36 24 14 annelies@imzadi.be

Annelies De Meyere

23 Events held
8.87 / 10 Rating for public events based on 63 evaluations
8.77 / 10 Rating for private events based on 44 evaluations
Agility in HR by Management 3.0 Facilitator Certificate of Attendance Foundation Workshop Certificate of Practice IC Agile Authorized Instructor Lean Change Agent Facilitator

Bringing Agile to companies takes a lot of facilitation and knowledge sharing, that's why I'm an Agile Change Facilitator and trainer. I love helping companies adapt towards a more flexible way of working, help teams to work towards better results and facilitating change management. Using the right techniques at the right time to get people to a new level of understanding about their situation, the job at hand and how to use their energy to get there.

With 10 years of experience in agile tranisitions, I help teams and individuals within organisations through facilitation of meetings and brainstorms, knowledge sharing, trying to ask the right questions at the right time and offering multiple options when looking for solutions. I'm experienced in getting groups with different cultural backgrounds together, helping them to find how they can improve as a collective and achieve their common goals.

I'm a Licensed Management 3.0 Practitioner and Facilitator, Certified LeSS Practitioner, Professional Scrum Master I, Professional Scrum Product Owner I, Lean Change Facilitator, Certified Performance Management Innovator (PMI) and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator, Innvoation Games and Liberating Structures practitioner and I practice, mix and match knowledge and techniques however the circumstances call for them.

Fluently trilingual, I love facilitation, moderation, training, high profile customer contacts, issue management, change management, scrum, lean & kanban. I'm also knowledgeable in more technological area's such as IT, the paper industry, industrial printing and enveloping productions and direct marketing, but also very passionateI the HR aspects of agile, which is too often left out of the loop until it's almost too late.

Attendees feedback

Steven Deneir

A load of experience!

Erwin Verweij, iFacilitate

She was relaxed and new what she was talking about. Also open for discussion and new insights from the team.

Lieven Doclo, Sourced BVBA

Clear, friendly, professional, always able to answer questions and clarify where needed

Khyra Vanhoutte, Co-Learning CVBA

very clear, informed, prepared, etc

Jeremy Naus, Naus Consulting bvba

Very good explanation of everything, great exercises, and general good laugh was had 🙂

Tim Vanmarcke, Time to Switch

Structure, timing, deep diving in the content, using own cases of participants

Stijn De Maesschalck, Tinktank

She can explain complex matter in an easy way. Practice what you preach: every part of theory was followed by an exercise to actually get it into fingers.

Carolina Serrano

The workshops were Dynamic, full of exercises and practical examples.

Emilie Mesmin

interaction with audience provides examples & videos that you will remember creates flipchart training material in live

Afke Roosmalen, van

Engaging, open questions, the facilitaion and the drawings

Karen Deacon

Very engaging, kept everyone's attention, were very easy to understand and explained all concepts and models very well.

Lionel Barets, Convidencia

Expert, nice personality, good pedagogical skills

Sebastian Paus, Prime Force

Knowledge and experience

Joke Van Hamme

Annelies was wonderful: she took time to answer all our questions. She created a safe environment for us to share ideas and previous experiences. I appreciate the interactive element of the training. We had a lot of opportunities to try out all the new information we got. Good to have a wrap-up at the end: answering our own questions gave me the confidence to start working with what I\'ve learned.


Establishing a safe environment that motivate participation/Active listening / Stimulating interaction while remaining neutral/ Time management despite the number of interrruptions/

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